Why is software delivery via CD not an option?

Lower cost. No shipping, packaging, and handling charges.

Reduced environmental impact. Fossil fuels not used to ship the CD package. No CD or packaging to be recycled or end up in landfills.

Download anytime. With your free Customer Care account you have free 24/7 download access to all of your purchased software. Download your software again anytime you need to.

Obsolescence avoided. Your free Customer Care account allows you to download all the latest eligible updates for your software so obsolescence is not a problem.

Find it when you need it. With your free Customer Care account and the included free download service, you will always be able to find your software if you ever need to install it again.

Damage and replacement a thing of the past. Compact discs can be fragile and damage can occur. That, as well as the resulting replacement costs, is no longer an issue with downloadable software.

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