Importing Data from Other Test Programs - Delimited Text Format

If you have question data in programs like Blackboard or Moodle that you would like to import to Schoolhouse Test, there are a some text delimited file (.txt) import options that might work for you. 

NOTE: Text delimited files do not allow for the export or import of pictures or formatting (i.e. bold, superscript).

Delimited Text File - Blackboard: 
Use this option to import from a tab delimited text file that has been exported from the Blackboard LMS (Learning Management System). Multiple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blanks, long answer/essay, short answer, order, matching and multiple answer (checklist & statement) are supported.

Standard Text File - Respondus: 
Use this option to import from a tab delimited text file that has been exported from Respondus. Multiple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blanks, long answer/essay, short answer, order, matching and multiple answer (checklist & statement) are supported.

Standard Text File - GIFT: 
Use this option to create a GIFT (General Import Format Technology) delimited text file compatible with import to Moodle and Adobe Captivate. GIFT supports these question types: multiple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blanks, matching, short answer, and essay/long answer. (NOTE: These control characters... ~ = # {} : ... cannot be used as normal text within questions unless preceded with a backslash. Examples -  \# , \= )

Standard Text File - Aiken: 
Use this option to create an Aiken delimited text file compatible with import to Moodle. Aiken supports only multiple choice and true false questions.

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